The fresh new enterant in the huge field of Ceramic Digital Wall Tiles is here to take your breath away. The company promises to make its mark on the ceramic Sector. The company is located at Morbi. The unparalleled capital of ceramic in india. It is at the right place where ceramic sector thrives and achieves the unimaginable. It is started with a very string faith to be successful player in the industry and no less. 2009 is the year the company has been formed and it will be this year itself when it will roll its exciting range of Digital Wall Tiles in the market.
Kitco Ceramic is a company run by a strong team at the to top and effective implementers at the middle management levels. The top management constitutes of people with 10 years experience in bussinesses. They are the foundars who have a strong vision for the future.
“Quality is never an accident, it is a result of commited and disciplined effort.” Kitco Ceramic has made it their etho to deal and work in quality regardless of what sector it is. Smallest to the biggest activity will be executed with total quality in mind. Management firmly believes that every activity in an oraganization is linked. A lack of quality in one sector will lead to a loss elsewhere and moreover, loss of name.
Tiles will be manufactured with European DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY making the range virtually limitless. Digital Technology permits any sort of design, theme, colors and/or combination of all of the three making Kitco Ceramic really praiseworthy.The all design is developing with collaboration of European company. All when integrated will form a state of the art modern and highly mechanized plant for manufacture of extra ordinary wall tiles.